Say goodbye to Ouchies...

There's nothing cuter than little fingers and toes. Yet caring for tiny nails is no child's play...

Wonderfile was created to take the stress out of this routine parenting task.

Our crystal nail files work like an emery board, however they are smooth and non-abrasive. Feel confident that when using Wonderfile, you will not hurt your child's deliciously soft skin.

Wonderfile is made in Europe from high quality materials and boasts a 10 year guarantee on the filing surface. We aim to be gentle on skin AND the planet - simply rinse and reuse, on repeat.

Say bye-bye to the stress of accidental cuts, and hello to smooth filing. Wonderfile to the rescue!

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  • 10 year guarantee on filing surface

    Wonderfile is a premium quality product with one of the smoothest surfaces on the market. We offer a 10-year guarantee on the filing surface when cared for appropriately.

  • Planet-friendly

    One of our key missions at Wonderfile is to leave the planet better than we found it. We strive to function in an ethical and sustainable way, from the product design to the packaging. Wonderfile is also able to be washed and reused, reducing waste.

  • Safety

    Another key mission is to take the stress out of caring for tiny nails. Wonderfile has passed relevant EU health and safety requirements, and AUS/NZ ISO 8124.3:2021 testing standards.